Gregory Owain

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London – Life Before Lockdown

Shot at F2 50mm 1/160 ISO 200. Borough Market.

Just a few days after seeing the end of 2020, what hopes we had that 2021 would be different were quickly dashed here in the UK, with the start of national lockdown number 3. Certainly not the start I was hoping for as it makes my job as a freelance photographer much more difficult, but it is hard for everyone and we all must do what we can to stay positive. Whilst I have had extra time, I decided to look back on the street photography I used to do during my lunch breaks when I worked in London. I would like to say that street photography is a great passion of mine which I excel at, but truth be told it can be uncomfortable at times and it is not as easy as simply going to a crowded area and snapping away.

Shot at F4 70mm 1/400 ISO 200. Shooting through a temporary art outdoor exhibit at Paternoster Square.

Despite everyone having their pictures taken everywhere they walk, as people take photo after photo on their smartphones as soon as you pull out a camera you are viewed very differently. For the most part I do not encounter many issues in a large city like London, but there are some prickly individuals who get upset even when you are trying to be considerate. The best you can do is be swift and not to linger, the aim is often to take the photo before anyone notices so you can capture an authentic moment in time. However, that is not to say that you cannot take great pictures where people are aware of the camera. Unfortunately, with the current situation I will not be getting much practice for the foreseeable.

Shot at F2.8 50mm 1/60 ISO 125. Borough Market.

I must admit that it was slightly sad looking at these images of the hustle and bustle of people going about their lives knowing it has almost been a year since this all came to a halt. For me, the worry is that these scenes from yesteryear will become viewed as strange as people really do get used to staying away from others. We can only hope that this year ends in a more positive way than the last one and that the streets and markets can once again return to life. The sooner the better.

Shot at F1.8 50mm 1/100 ISO 800. A busker takes to the streets in China Town.

Shot at F3.2 70mm 1/60 ISO 200. Boris bikes, I have never used them myself, perhaps I will have to give them a go the next time I am in London.

Shot at F1.8 20mm 1/60 ISO 100. Borough Market.

Shot at F2 50mm 1/500 ISO 64. Whitecross Market.

Shot at F1.8 85mm 1/500 ISO 64. Cameraman outside of the Old Bailey during a high profile case. I had completely forgotten about this image and was pleasantly surprised to re-discover it, out of all this images here this is my favourite.

Shot at F1.8 50mm 1/125 ISO 800. Awaiting a haircut at a barbers at Borough Market.

Shot at F2 50mm 1/200 ISO 64. Whitecross Market.

Shot at F4 20mm 1/100 ISO 640. Borough Market.

Shot at F1.8 85mm 1/1000 ISO 64. In a garden near St Paul’s Cathedral. Hopefully next winter we can build snowmen together again.

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