Gregory Owain

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Before the latest wave of lockdowns, I had the chance to visit the Christmas lights of Broadway Village which puts on an extensive display each year. To see them in full check out the link to the video below.

Shot at F5.6 1/10s ISO1600 105mm (Nikon D850)

As I write this on Christmas Eve, plans for the festive season have for many been cancelled or changed, the area I live has been placed into Tier 4 of the Covid-19 restrictions and we are just hearing of a trade deal finally being signed between the UK & the EU. 2020 has certainly been an eventful year in ways we never could have possibly imagined last Christmas. I certainly did not imagine I would be where I am now twelve months later.

Despite all the ups and downs, 2020 has been a positive year for me. I have moved on from the line of work I started after university and am heading in the right direction with the career I really wanted. Of course, freelance work is not exactly plentiful during lockdowns, but I have still managed to get work published in: Classic Car Mart, Classic Car Buyer, Jaguar World, BMW Car and have upcoming articles in Rolls-Royce & Bentley Driver and MG Enthusiast to look forward to in the New Year. On top of that I have been busily working on my collaborative Youtube channel Espuela Grande (EG Media) which I am pleased to say has now reached 250 subscribers. Despite the restrictions we have faced we have still managed to get out the content for steady growth and I expect that to continue in 2021.

If you have not checked the channel out yet then make sure to do so with the link below, there will be a blog talking more about it in the New Year:

Hopefully when I sit here writing the wrap-up blog for 2021 we will be living a life without lockdowns and be able to see everyone we wish to for Christmas, and I will be able to write more positive words about where I have been published and how much bigger the Youtube channel has grown. It looks like it will be a rough start but at least we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps the most daunting thing next year will be to write an additional fifty two blogs! This is blog number fourteen and I am pleased with what I have produced so far, rest assured there will be plenty of content coming for film & digital users alike.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, let us make it a good one.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas given the current circumstances. We have released a Christmas Special for Espuela Grande, covering the Christmas Lights of Broadway Village, make sure to take a look: